联系人,东东 QQ 125538659
l 模特二人 (1男1女)
l 浪漫 情侣 结婚照 共10组场景照片 模特场景需拍摄方自理
照片Image 1:
Text: Regal/royal/noble scenes 欧洲宫廷服
Scene: Girl sitting on throne (can be ordinary chair but then needs photoshop work to look like throne). She is looking up and smiling. Guy is standing behind lowering crown onto her head.
Dress: Period costume if possible
照片Image 2:
Text: Wedding images 大婚纱甜蜜造型
Scene: Various scenes possible. Man kneeling offering ring, man putting on ring, man/woman embracing & looking at ring
Dress: Big wedding dress for her. Wedding suit for him.
场景:各种场景为可能。男下跪拿出戒指,或者男模特给那孩子带指环或男子/女子拥抱 看着戒指
照片Image 3:
Text: Luxurious style 西式高级餐厅服务生造型
Scene: She is sitting at a table with a champagne glass. He is the butler/waiter pouring the champagne
Dress: Evening gown for her. Butler’s outfit for him.
照片Image 4:
Text: professional photography 摄影师造型
Scene: She is doing a pirouette. He is the photographer.
Dress: Shiny ball gown for her. He is dressed as a photographer looking into camera mounted on tripod.
照片Image 5:
Text: cultural learning 老师学生造型
Scene: She is the teacher and has a stick which is pointing at a blackboard. The blackboard has the word “history” written on it
Dress: He is dressed as a student. She is dressed as a teacher with gown and hat.
照片Image 6:
Text: exotic travel 旅游造型
Scene: She is leading him by the hand and pointing. He is wheeling a suitcase.
Dress: Cool casual for both. Hats.
照片Image 7:
Text: Fantastic locations 唯美造型
Scene: Couple are standing facing the camera with arms outstretched as if admiring an amazing view. Maybe holding a pair of binoculars? (We ps a cliff top beneath them)
Dress: Smart Casual for both
场景:情侣站在相机面临着张开双臂,犹如欣赏一个远处一个景点。 (我们PS他们在站在悬崖顶部看在无边大海)
照片Image 8:
Text: beautiful makeovers 化妆师 逗趣造型
Scene: He is sitting with combs in his hair and a 'what is happening?' expression. She is laughing and trying to put makeup on him.
Dress: She is dressed like a makeup artist. He is wearing a dress.
照片Image 9:
Text: luxury accommodation 睡衣造型
Scene: Man and woman on bed having a pillow fight and laughing
Dress: bathrobes / night gown / night clothes
照片Image 10:
Text: perfect romance 浪漫造型
Scene: Man is carrying woman across threshold
Dress: Short wedding dress for the girl. Wedding suit for the guy.
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