《坠枯录》注Zhuiku Tablet Annotations

2012-4-22 14:34| 发布者: 翌晨| 查看: 5497| 评论: 0

摘要: 连悲伤,也被概括成一种道德的形式Sadness Is Defined as a Form of Morality 144x180cm C-Print 2012 你不可能更崎岖,也不可能更伟大 You are Impossible to be Rougher Or Greater 144x180cm C-Print 2012

连悲伤,也被概括成一种道德的形式Sadness Is Defined as a Form of Morality 144x180cm C-Print 2012

你不可能更崎岖,也不可能更伟大 You are Impossible to be Rougher Or Greater 144x180cm C-Print 2012